During a conversation, a man said in French an equivalent of:
They’re talking nonsense.
To say to talk nonsense, he used the expression dire n’importe quoi. Knowing this, can you now guess how he said it in a colloquial style?
He said:
I’ disent n’importe quoi.
I’, which sounds just like the French letter i, is a contraction of ils. In informal writing, this contraction is more often spelled y.
Do you remember that dire is pronounced by the Québécois as dzir? That’s because the letter d is pronounced dz when it comes before the French i and u sounds. Dire, then, sounds like dzir, and disent sounds like dziz.
N’importe quoi has four syllables — n’im / por / te / quoi. The final e of n’importe is heard.
To say that’s nonsense!, you can say:
C’est n’importe quoi!