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50 must-know phrases for diehard fans of Québécois French! (#740)


Below are 50 example sentences every self-respecting fan of Québécois French must know! ;-)

These sentences were inspired by vocabulary in recent posts on OffQc, so here’s your chance to review and recycle.

You can click on the example sentences to go to the posts where the vocabulary first appeared. In the original posts, there are often usage and pronunciation notes.

The sentences below are examples of colloquial French that you can hear used in regular, everyday language situations in Québec. Most of them are unique to the French of Québec (and other French-speaking parts of Canada), but there are also a few in there that you might hear in other francophone regions abroad.

Print the sentences out, post them on your walls, enter them into a flash card app on your smartphone, whatever you like. Then go find a francophone to speak with and unleash all your québécoiseries on them!

1. Ça fait un boutte que j’apprends le français québécois.
I’ve been learning Québécois French for a while.

2. Mes amies m’ont appelée pour aller dans un 5 à 7.
My girlfriends called me to go to a 5 à 7 [after-work social gathering].

3. Parle moins fort, chu lendemain de veille!
Don’t talk so loud, I’ve got a hangover!

4. Tu me niaises-tu?
You kidding me?

5. J’ai mangé en masse cette semaine!
I ate so much food this week!

6. Je veux pas péter ta balloune, mais tu vas sûrement pas gagner.
Hate to burst your bubble, but you’re definitely not gonna win.

7. Tu vas devoir toffer un peu.
You’re going to have to tough it out for a bit.

8. Chu pressé!
I’m in a rush!

9. Ça te tente-tu?
Do you want to?

10. Tu m’énerves! T’arrêtes pas de chiâler!
You’re so annoying! You never stop complaining!

11. J’ai pogné un nid-de-poule sur la route.
I hit a pothole in the road.

12. J’ai échappé mon portefeuille.
I dropped my wallet.

13. C’est ben plate ici!
It’s so boring here!

14. T’as pogné un ticket? Ah, c’est plate ça!
You got a ticket? Ah, that sucks!

15. Je m’ennuie de Montréal.
I miss Montréal.

16. T’as quel âge, toi?
How old are you?

17. Allô? Allô? Tu m’entends-tu?
Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?

18. Y’a aucun problème.
There’s no problem.

19. C’est tout un tough, lui!
He’s a real tough guy!

20. As-tu une blonde?
Have you got a girlfriend?

21. Y arrête pas de péter de la broue!
He won’t stop bragging!

22. J’ai pété une coche!
I went ballistic! I lost it!

23. T’es ben niaiseux!
You’re so stupid!

24. J’ai écouté un film hier soir.
I watched a movie last night.

25. Je trouve ça cheap de ta part.
I think that’s pretty low of you.

26. Y’a pas de quoi se péter les bretelles!
That’s nothing to brag about!

27. J’ai eu du fun.
I had fun.

28. J’ai lâché ma job.
I quit my job.

29. J’ai embarqué dans l’auto.
I got in the car.

30. J’ai débarqué de l’auto.
I got out of the car.

31. C’est pas grave, c’est juste une joke!
It’s no big deal, it’s just a joke!

32. Je pourrais me garrocher devant un autobus pour lui.
I could throw myself in front of a bus for him.

33. J’aime pas ça pantoute!
I don’t like that one bit!

34. Ça va faire la job!
That’ll do the trick!

35. Je veux une toast et un café.
I want a piece of toast and a coffee.

36. Je dois magasiner un nouveau lit.
I have to shop around for a new bed.

37. Veux-tu un lift?
Do you want a lift?

38. C’est pas juste une jobine, c’est une carrière.
It’s not just any old job, it’s a career.

39. C’est pas vrai que t’es poche en français.
It’s not true that you suck at French.

40. Chu tanné de ça.
I’m fed up with it.

41. J’ai pogné une débarque sur la glace.
I fell on the ice.

42. T’as-tu vingt-cinq cennes?
Have you got twenty-five cents?

43. Ça manque de punch.
It’s got no punch to it.

44. Tu cherches toujours la chicane.
You’re always looking to pick a fight.

45. Arrête de niaiser!
Stop joking around!

46. As-tu sorti les vidanges?
Have you taken the garbage out?

47. J’ai oublié de barrer la porte.
I forgot to lock the door.

48. Je viens d’avoir un flash!
I’ve just had a great idea!

49. Un peu de change, monsieur?
Spare any change, sir?

50. Es-tu correct?
Are you okay?

_ _ _

Image credit: Wordans

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