Jean Coutu is a pharmacy in Québec whose slogan is:
On trouve de tout… même un ami!
And it’s true. You really will find a friend at Jean Coutu.
They’re called condoms.
1. condom
In Québec, the standard word for condom is un condom (sounds like condon). The French word un préservatif is understood, but its use is limited.
The expression “to use a condom” is utiliser un condom.
There’s also an informal word for condom, like “rubber” in English: une capote. In Montréal, you may have even noticed a sex shop downtown called La Capoterie.
2. pâte à dents
In addition to le dentifrice and la pâte dentifrice, toothpaste is also known as la pâte à dents in Québec, which is similar in form to la brosse à dents, or toothbrush.
On tubes of toothpaste, you’ll see the term dentifrice, not pâte à dents.
3. soie dentaire
In Québec, dental floss is called la soie dentaire. In France, it’s called le fil dentaire. Soie dentaire is the standard term in Québec, used on packaging and in conversation (if you like to talk about dental floss!).
4. bas
A sock is called un bas in Québec, which sounds like bâ. For example, un bas de laine is a wool sock.
5. chaise roulante
In addition to un fauteuil roulant, understood by French speakers everywhere, you’ll also hear a wheelchair called une chaise roulante in Québec.
6. sac à vidanges
The package says sacs à ordures, meaning “garbage bags.” In addition to this term, you’ll also hear un sac à vidanges at a more informal level of language. The word vidanges is often used in Québec in the sense of garbage. Un vidangeur is garbageman.