meaning: to have a blast, a great time
This verb comes from “to trip (out).”
It can also be spelled triper.
C’est certain que tu vas tripper!
You’re gonna have a blast for sure!
J’ai tellement trippé!
I had such a blast! I totally loved it!
meaning: to flirt
This verb comes from “to cruise.”
It can also be spelled cruiser.
T’es pas mon genre, arrête de me crouser.
You’re not my type, stop flirting with me.
Un gars a essayé de me cruiser dans le métro.
A guy tried to flirt with me in the métro.
meaning: to dump
This verb comes from “to flush.”
It can also be spelled flusher.
Il a floché sa blonde.
He dumped his girlfriend.
Je l’ai flushée de mon Facebook.
I got rid of her as a friend on Facebook.
meaning: to wreck, to total
This verb comes from “to scrap.”
It can also be spelled scrapper.
Tu vas toute scraper tes souliers.
You’re totally gonna wreck your shoes.
J’ai scrapé mon char.
I totalled my car.
meaning: to bitch, to bitch someone out
This verb comes from “to bitch.”
Franchement, t’es pas tannée de bitcher?
Honest to God, aren’t you sick of bitching yet?
Elle trouve toujours un moyen de me bitcher.
She always finds a way of bitching me out.