Here are a few more colloquial usages pulled from comments on Facebook. The first two are more typical of younger to middle-aged speakers.
1. C’est weird.
That’s weird.
- Weird follows English pronunciation.
2. Pis là, je me suis dit whatever!
And then I thought ‘whatever’!
- Pis là sounds like pi là. Pis is an informal contraction of puis. Pis means and here, and là means then.
- Je me suis can contract informally to j’me su’.
- Dit sounds like dzi. When d appears before the i sound, it sounds like dz.
3. Je trouve ça vraiment tannant.
I think that’s really annoying.
- Je trouve can contract informally to j’trouve, which sounds like ch’trouve.
By the way, I heard some newcomers to the country pronounce métro Pie-IX (see the image above) incorrectly as pi-iks. In fact, the correct pronunciation is pi-neuf, pi-9. It’s named after le pape Pie-IX.